We do traditional in home esttae sales in your home if thats what you request
We have over 15 years in the business in other sates and have moved back here to our home state to semi retire.
We do Estate sales online where we come photograph your estate and pack it up move it to storage then its placed on many venus for an online sale to get you the highest possible prices.
We also do estate sales at rented venues where we pack up your estate rent a public venue, advertise the sale in newpapers and local media and online and open the venue to the public.
We do home and storage clean outs if you have a tenant leave furniture etc give us a call
We do Large group or town yard sale clean ups only large cleanup right now no single yardsales but large groups or towns please contact us anytime
We us our vast knowledge of furnitue and collectiables to price your items .
If there is an item we do not know how to price we will research it with comparable items elling today if non avaialable we will consult an apparaiser if needed.
Every Estate is differnet therfore every commision rate and contract is different so call us today and we will be happy to discuss how we can help you .